“Compromise is the folly of the idealized man. If you firmly believe in a thing such as the sanctity of life, how does one compromise down from there? If one believes firmly in the existence of God, how does one compromise away from there? Compromise is the luxury of those who believe firmly in nothing.”
Read more“People spend their entire life searching for the meaning of life. The answer to that query will only be realized after you have lived a meaningful life. In other words, the meaning of life is to have LIVED a meaningful life.”
Read more“To forgive someone is to forget the transgression, to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. Saying that you have forgiven someone while constantly reminding that person and others that you have is patently disingenuous or it is the sanctimonious refuge of the self deluded narcissist, neither is divine and both are equally destructive as well as an affront to the Almighty.”
Read more“You can talk big, tell people what you plans are and brag about where you are going and everything you are going to do but in the end people will simply know you for what you have actually done.”
Read more“The selfish person thinks and speaks in these terms; I want this or I need that or I deserve this. The unselfish person thinks and speaks in these terms, what can I do for you, what do you need and believes others deserve more than they do.“
Read more“Love is more than just saying I love you, love is more than just a word uttered as a convenient means to an end. Love is a complete way of life, it never ends and when sincerely expressed becomes unconditional. Love is the master weavers tapestry whose individual threads combine to create a thing of strength and beauty, a bond that can never be broken. Love is a practice lived, it can be seen in every action, it dwells in every dream, in every chaotic and still moment, it is uttered in silence and shouted from rooftops and once given it remains for eternity if betrayed then it never was.”
Read more“Suffering is inevitable, it is an unavoidable dynamic of the human experience. Suffering is not a permanent condition. It is not a punitive punishment handed down by a vindictive God rather it is a gift. It is the mortar that binds the building blocks of character. It is through suffering that we discover humility and compassion. Suffering is a path we must walk in our quest to discover and comprehend our purpose.“
Read more“It is necessary that we realize whatever angers us has conquered us in the simplest way possible. Anger serves the cause of destruction, it levels cities and individuals where calm embraces creation, edifies the individual and elevates civilizations.”
Read more“The path to enlightenment is a protracted and convoluted odyssey. If you think you have attained it rest assured you haven’t, you will know that you have reached it when the pursuit of it is no longer your obsession.“
Read moreWeakness is a perceptible characteristic, it can be heard in a wavering voice, seen in feeble body language and witnessed in flawed character. Master your weakness and you will learn the meaning of true strength."
Read more“We all have our cross to bear, mine was losing my eyesight and consequently my freedom, my ability to simply go and do what I wanted when I wanted to. But in losing that perception of freedom I was guided to a state of true liberation…. Imagination trumps reality in the mind of the man who cannot see.“
Read more“A lie is like a cancer cell, small and insignificant in its genesis but untreated a lie can fester, metastasize and eventually consume its host. The cure is simple; it only takes a dose of the truth. Our choice isn't complicated, live a lie and die without honor or live in the light of truth and die with nobility.“
Read more“Fear is the emotion that paralyzes man, stops him from advancing and causes him to adjust his course away from his destiny. Courage is what happens when you face your fear and despite apprehension continue your march unabated.”
Read more“I've noticed many times in my life people have the tendency in times of great despair to exclaim to the heavens "why me oh Lord why me!" Yet during times of great reward the same people proclaim, "look at what I've done." The humbling reality is that the grace of God is constant even as the arrogance of man tends to be measured in moments of self-indulgence and convenience.“
Read more“Life is merely a path, first we learn joy, then sorrow then grief then we learns empathy and finally we learn humility which opens a door that leads humbly towards compassion. Walk your path knowing change is an inevitable force designed to temper us not destroy us and with eyes wide open meet every transition with grace, honor and dignity.”
Read more“It is ironic that the fear of failure and the fear of success both serve as a man’s excuse to remain stagnate in the pond of similitude. Fear is a paralyzing force that convinces us only to feign an attempt because true effort may result in meeting the agony of defeat. However, the reality is that often times we are but one action or effort away from achieving great things.”
Read more“Giving up on something or walking away isn't always a sign of weakness but a measure of strength. The trick is figuring out the reason why you are holding on. Pride forces you to maintain the grip, the delusion of control while unconditional love allows you to set it free to find its own way, its own place in its own time.”
Read more“My secret to happiness and to life is simple. I maintain no illusions nor do I have any delusions about controlling what happens to me. However, on the flip side I do have total control over how I choose to react to any given situation. This realization ushers in the reality of ultimate control. Once I understood that freedom, true freedom, comes from how I reacted it allowed me to break the bonds that held happiness at a distance. My path became mine and mine alone and the yoke of responsibility became lighter because I now had control. I was free to maneuver through, over and around the obstacles rather than being frustrated by them. I was no longer a victim to be pitied instead I became the master of my destiny.”
Read more“Anything is possible. Being blind causes me to take unusual steps in accomplishing things. Step 1- doesn’t let them see your weakness, move and act with confidence. Step 2- think outside the box, be steadfast in your belief that it can be done and there is a way to accomplish it in spite of a disability. Step 3- remember that if you can’t see the world, make the world see you. And step 4- accept, adopt, adapt and then advance. There is no time for complaining, lamenting or feeling sorry for yourself, those are just excuses that prove an unwillingness to accept step four as reality.”
Read more“The truth is simple, a sweet divine principle handed to man by God in order to free him. Deceit on the other hand dwells in the complexity of convoluted words handed to us by men of limited integrity in the pursuit of self-serving interests."
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