To understand where this writing came from requires a bit of an explanation. The inspiration for this poem is the loss of a dear friend who battled life.
Nobody ever said that life was easy, that we would escape it unblemished. It is my belief that the strongest among us suffer for those of us who do not posses the abilities to survive the tortures of life. God promised that life would not be easy but he also promised that he would provide a balance to serve as an example for his children. That balance requires that some among us suffer through life. If everybody were to come to this earth and never have to suffer then what lesson would we all learn? As a result of this reality warriors are born among us to take up the mantle of living an incomplete life to illuminate the path of the possible.
If we never knew sorrow, we could never begin to know joy. If we never knew suffering we could never learn redemption. If we never knew addiction or affliction we could never appreciate the blessing of health.
But it is imperative that you understand that mine is a memory of a little brother sent to help shepherd me through this life and I know with certainty he stands in the presence of giants now humbled to have served his Father’s purpose.
Lost then Found
When I came to be I found so much
My life was rich beyond the wildest of dreams
There were brothers and sisters, a mother and father
Along the way I found friendship, hope, happiness, joy and love
Innocence was the song of the day and bliss lined my young path
As I transitioned from boy to man my treasures went missing
Perhaps I had taken my eye off of them
Perhaps my choices had stripped them away
Perhaps I had wandered from my path
Now I found loneliness, anguish, sadness, and sorrow and wondered who could love me
Despair became the anthem of my life, my path littered with regret
All that I know is that gone was my hope, my happiness and my joy
Thoughts of loving and being loved intangible, unrecognizable remnants of emotions longed for
Innocence shattered
They had been replaced with the timid uncertainties of a life incomplete
But as I peered through the fog that clouds a life, there sprinkled on the path were points of light
I realized that they had been there all along
Brothers that loved me, Sisters who adored me
A mother whose only dream was that her son knew of her love, her faith and her hope
Had I ever lost all that I had found or was it right in front of me this whole time?
But still, something was missing
I am gone now, alone
My path is surely dark, my way uncertain, my regrets many
Then, just then, after the last breathe, as I wander in darkness
A voice
It is soft, kind reassuring and familiar
Fear not my son for you are home
These are the words that pierce the darkness
There is light, a brilliant light. The weight of an incomplete life is lifted. My purpose comprehended, suffering replaced with joy and an embrace, like a warm blanket on a cold, cold winter night
Yes my son, I am here and there is so much to tell