E.L. Burton
In my beginning the world was right
All the colors not just black and white
Rich vivid colors full of life and light
Stars twinkled brilliantly in the night And the days, oh the days they were bright
As I skim through the years romanticizing the light the reality is I will lose my sight
I knew it would fade, disappear like a thief in the night
Once I could see
Once I was free
Once I believed in all I could be
The man in the mirror would vanish with time
The life that was once filled with the sublime
Now faced the choice to quit or continue the climb
Life isn’t fair, it is ugly and tough
Kicked to the ground, picked up by my scruff
Sometimes believing is not enough
The man in the mirror is no more
Taken by a disease I truly abhor
Who am I if I can’t see
That is my query and here is my plea
When you look………..Do you see me